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Our Products

Plutus Strategies For Any Background

Maximise Performance with Emotionless, Responsive Automation

Enhanced Automation

Our technology offers 24/7 emotionless, responsive automation, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Precise Market Entries and Exits

Our solutions ensure accurate entries and exits across various market positions, optimizing outcomes.

Swift Response to Market Changes

Plutus reacts to market changes faster than humanly possible, allowing businesses to capitalise on opportunities promptly.

Real-Time Position Management:

Our technology manages and monitors positions automatically in real-time, providing continuous oversight and adjustment.

Futures / Derivatives

Plutus Relax

Slow and Steady Wins the Race: This strategy prioritizes long-term growth with lower trading activity, ideal for conservative investors seeking measured gains.

20% Fee on Profitable trades



Long-term growth. Prioritises steady gains over a longer investment horizon.


Trading Activity

Utilise algorithmic (Low Risk) strategies for automated trading



Lower trading activity. Executes trades less frequently, aiming for consistent, measured growth.


User involvement

Set personal risk & goals upfront (limited customisation)


Ideal for

Ideal for long-term investors seeking steady, measured growth with lower risk.

Futures / Derivatives

Plutus Go

Aim High, But Be Prepared: This aggressive strategy seeks higher potential returns through more frequent trades. Suitable for investors comfortable with taking on more risk for potentially greater profits.

20% Fee on Profitable trades



Higher potential returns. Employs a more aggressive strategy for potentially higher profits but carries a greater risk of fluctuations.


Trading Activity

Utilise algorithmic (High Risk) strategies for automated trading



Higher trading activity. Seeks out more frequent trading opportunities to potentially maximise returns.


User involvement

No user intervention required after setting up the strategy. Plutus Spot handles the automated execution, minimising your need for constant monitoring.


Ideal for

Experienced users comfortable with higher risk/reward ratio. It's crucial to understand the risks involved before selecting Plutus Go​

Spot Trading

Plutus Spot

Catch the Wave: Focuses on capitalising on the next big thing market movements with focused, targeted trades within the spot market. Ideal for Gem Hunters and Meme Coin enthusiasts seeking to maximise returns in a trending market

$50 monthly

7 Days free trial



Capture short to long term market movements with targeted trades within the spot market.



Our advanced algorithms analyse market data in real-time, identifying new listings and unknown project opportunities and executing trades based on predefined strategies.


Trading Activity

Specifically designed for spot trading, focusing on buying and selling cryptocurrencies directly to capitalise on market movements.


User involvement

No user intervention required after setting up the strategy. Ideal for: Beginners or Expert users seeking a passive income short to long term approach with zero management.


Ideal for

Perfect for those seeking to actively capitalise on market movements and potentially generate frequent returns. This option may also suit users who prefer a more dynamic trading approach.

Our Strategies

Explore our ODESIS Plutus Products

Let automation do the work that matches your goals & focus on what matters most.


Plutus Relax

Slow and Steady Wins the Race: This strategy prioritizes long-term growth with lower trading activity, ideal for conservative investors seeking measured gains.


Plutus Go

Aim High, But Be Prepared: This aggressive strategy seeks higher potential returns through more frequent trades. Suitable for investors comfortable with taking on more risk for potentially greater profits.

Spot Trading

Plutus Spot

Catch the Wave: Focuses on capitalising on the next big thing market movements with frequent, targeted trades within the spot market. Ideal for Gem Hunters and Meme Coin enthusiasts seeking to maximise returns in a trending market

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